What Do Gator Lizards Eat?

Alligator lizards are found world wide and live in a variety of habitats, including moist foothills, mountains and streams in drier grassland areas. These pugnacious lizards are secretive and hide in rock crevices and in the undergrowth. The alligator lizard possesses a wedge-shaped head and a distinct lateral fold that runs horizontally along its lower sides. These lizards are carnivores, and prey principally on insects, but eat a variety of other food items as well, including each other.
  1. Diet in Nature

    • Alligator lizards feed on almost any creature that they can swallow. Adult insects and their larvae make up a large portion of this lizard's diet. Crickets, grasshoppers and ground beetles are common targets, but the alligator lizard will readily eat snails and arthropods as well. These arthropods include spiders, such as the black widow, scorpions and centipedes. Alligator lizards hunt for amphibians, such as frogs, and will feed on other lizard species. The alligator lizard will also cannibalize its own kind. Mature alligator lizards attack and feed on sub-adult and young animals, while adults of both sexes will eat each other.

    Feeding Methods

    • The feeding behavior of these lizards is stimulated by movement. Alligator lizards source their prey by sight and subsequently use their tongue to inspect it, wherever possible. These lizards also consume dead creatures.

    Main Captive Diet

    • Crickets are a good food source for alligator lizards in captivity. These interesting little reptiles will also eat meal worms. Enrich the crickets by feeding them a commercial pre-made "gut loading" diet prior to feeding them to your alligator lizard. These highly nutritious diets, which are available from pet dealers, ensure that the crickets are well fed prior to being consumed by the alligator lizard. These feeder insects can be fed on a diet of mixed vegetables as well. You can also occasionally supplement the diet of large adult lizards with baby mice.

    Captive Supplements

    • The diet of captive alligator lizards must contain both calcium and multivitamins. It is good practice to dust feeder insects with a calcium supplement, just prior to feeding them to the lizard. This supplement should not be high in phosphorus, as the crickets contain sufficient concentrations within their bodies. Sprinkle multivitamin powder onto the crickets once or twice per week. Place the alligator lizard in a separate plastic cage with a bare bottom or paper substrate when feeding. This prevents the lizard from consuming excessive amounts of soil when eating.