How to Exterminate Salamanders

Finding ways to exterminate salamanders is challenging, since there are not any commercial pesticides available that will kill salamanders. Instead, controlling salamanders will come down to changing the environment, eliminating food sources and setting traps to capture lizards. These steps take time to achieve, but if they are done properly, they will deliver the best results when it comes to eliminating a salamander problem.

Things You'll Need

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Glue traps
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      Set glue traps to capture salamanders. Glue traps can be placed anywhere where salamanders have been getting into homes and in outdoor areas as well. Lizard glue traps are normally baited with insect or cockroach pheromones. This draws salamanders to the trap, thinking they have an easy meal. Once on the trap, they get stuck in the glue and will either die or have to be released. Lizard glue traps are available online at many different stores including

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      Change the environment around your home to prevent salamanders from coming back. They like areas that have moisture and safe places to hide. Make sure a home has proper drainage to reduce the moisture in basements and other areas salamanders can gather.

      Get rid of leaves, loose rocks and other places that salamanders will live. Making all of these changes to the physical environment will keep salamanders from coming back.

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      Get rid of the common food sources that salamanders eat. Without proper shelter and food, salamanders cannot survive in an area. Salamanders will feed off insects and spiders. Spray weedy areas, areas around the home, and any place where a lot of insects gather with insecticides to start eliminating the food source. Start with a broad spectrum pesticides such as Talstar to eliminate as many types of insects as possible. Pesticides are found in almost any hardware store.

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      Clean your home, getting rid of dirty dishes, garbage and anything else that will invite insects and salamanders into a home. A messy house provides salamanders with a food source and a reason to come inside. Also check your home for cracks that can be sealed up with caulk to help reduce the amount of salamanders that can enter a home.