What Do You Need to Take Care of an Iguana Lizard?

Anyone interested in adding an iguana as pet to the home should learn how to properly care for the lizard before buying one. The owner should plan to keep the iguana for its entire lifespan, which is approximately 15 years; iguanas acclimate to living indoors and will not likely survive if released into the wild.
  1. Aquarium

    • Although a smaller aquarium can be used, your iguana will be happier with more space that you can provide it. Purchase a 20-gallon aquarium that features a metal screen top. This will prevent any insects from getting inside and disrupting the aquarium's harmony and will also protect your iguana from any pets, such as cats or dogs in your household. The use of a metal top will ensure that there is no damage from the heating lights.

    Pea Gravel

    • Pea gravel works effectively to mimic a desert surrounding. The gravel is readily available in many pet stores or department stores that sell fish and fish products. After spreading approximately 1 inch of pea gravel in the bottom of the aquarium, add jagged and smooth stones along with clay pots, a rock cave, a hollow log or other suitable hiding place for the iguana.

    Incandescent Lamp

    • An incandescent lamp is required to maintain the temperature inside of the tank. The cheapest method includes purchasing a lamp with a metal reflector from the local hardware store with a timer so that the light will automatically turn on and off each day. To maintain desert-like temperatures the tank should remain between 90 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. A change in the wattage of the bulb will easily allow you to change the temperature inside of the aquarium.

    Enclosure Suitable For Exercise

    • Iguanas may grow quite large over their lifespan and will require a lot of room to exercise once they reach full maturity. These solitary animals will each need their own enclosure of approximately 7 feet in height to climb around. This area must not have any cold weather exposure and must feature security that does not permit the iguana to escape from your home.