How to Clean an Anole's Habitat

An anole's habitat is its home and it is important for the anole owner to keep the habitat in a clean and sanitary condition. Taking the habitat apart and cleaning it is a task that should get done at least once a week. If the owner does not clean the habitat, dead insects, old feces and germs can buildup in the enclosed area. The enclosure can start to smell bad because of the buildup and the anole can get forced to rest in its own waste.

Things You'll Need

  • Wet clean rag
  • Dry clean rag
  • Spray bottle full of water
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    • 1

      Remove the anole from the habitat and place it in a different container. Secure the second container so that the anole cannot escape.

    • 2

      Remove everything from the habitat and wipe down the glass or plastic with a wet, hot rag. Dry the container with a dry rag.

    • 3

      Examine each item that was in the habitat and clean it with hot water. Check for areas that are worn down, items that are broken and sharp edges that could hurt the anole. Allow the items to dry before placing them back in the habitat.

    • 4

      Fill the bottom of the habitat with clean gravel or tree bark. Clean the water and food bowls then place them on the gravel or bark.

    • 5

      Put all the items that were in the habitat back into place. Release the anole into the habitat.