Collared Lizards
Collared lizards have white collars around the neck between two black collars. Collared lizards are one of the few desert lizards that can run only on the hind legs, according to Desert USA Online. They eat a variety of invertebrates and can be fed worms or crickets in captivity. Super worms, horned worms and silk worms are recommended by Lizard-Landscapes.com. Dust the worms with a vitamin and calcium supplement weekly.
Leopard gecko shows off its flashy skin. There is no such thing as a wormivore, but there is such thing as an insectivore, which describes the gecko. They eat mostly insects, such as grasshoppers, moths, mealworms and earthworms. Steve Sykes at Geckos Etc. Online, suggests placing a small carrot piece in the mealworm dish. Carrots provide moisture to the mealworms and helps them to be more active, which makes the mealworms more appetizing to the geckos. Contrary to rumor, mealworms cannot eat their way out of a geckos stomach. Wax worms and superworms work well for geckos also.
If your chameleon refuses to eat, increase the enclosure's temperature. Chameleons are enjoyable in captivity, although they stress easily and require a lot of privacy. They require branches for climbing, high humidity and a well-planted tank that is misted twice daily. A happy chameleon eats moths, crickets, mealworms, wax worms, butterworms and small grasshoppers. Feed insects smaller worms and insects, to prevent choking. Feed your chameleon a balanced diet, and do not feed it too many winged insects, as wings are harder to digest.
Serving Worms
Due to the exoskeleton, mealworms should be fed to adult lizards only. Plant saucers work well for worm dishes. Use tongs to place the worms into the dishes. Use disposable gloves to place the dishes into the lizard's environment. Consider the age and the size of the lizard before feeding. Large worms, such as super worms and adult mealworms should be fed to adult lizards. Feed worms that are half of the size of the lizard's mouth.
Wax worms can be added to your lizard's diet if your gecko is thin or needs extra fat. Wax worms are high in fat content. Consider wax worms as junk food for your lizard. They should not be fed regularly as the only worm food. Your lizard could go through a growth spurt or could eat more during certain seasons. Pay attention to your lizard's diet and adjust feeding if the diet decreases or increases dramatically.
Lizards need vitamin supplements in their diets. You can add a vitamin powder to their dish or dust it onto the worms. Check with your pet store adviser or your veterinarian about vitamin supplements for your lizard. You should fatten up your feeder insects with a calcium-rich supplement.
Lizards That Eat Worms
Carnivorous lizards that eat worms in the wild can be fed worms within captivity, under specific guidelines. Lizards cannot be fed simply any worm, and care must be given as to when and how the worm must be introduced. If the worm is not presented as appetizing to the lizard, the lizard may refuse to feed. This can prove unsafe for the lizard, as unhealthy eating habits could cause malnutrition.