How to Gut Load Mealworms

Keeping lizards as pets is not the mindless task it might first appear. Lizards require meticulous care, and one of the most challenging tasks is proper nutrition. Mealworms are a diet staple for many species, and the worms must be properly fed to provide adequate nutrients to your lizards. Feeding mealworms, also known as gut loading, is a necessary step in keeping your lizards healthy and happy.

Things You'll Need

  • 6-inch deep plastic container
  • Shovel
  • Clean soil
  • Screened top
  • High-quality dog food
  • Spice grinder
  • Mixed fruit and vegetables
  • Knife
  • Clean sponge
  • Lizard vitamin powder
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      Dig up a shovelful or two of dirt from your yard, and spread it around the bottom of a 6-inch-deep plastic container. Add the mealworms to the container, and cover it with a screened top to prevent the worms from escaping.

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      Place 1/4 cup dry dog food in a spice grinder, and grind into a fine powder. Pour the powder into the worm container, using your fingers to evenly distribute it around the dish. The worms will eat the dog food, gut-loading them with vital fat and calories.

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      Chop a handful of mixed fruits and vegetables together into a fine dice, and sprinkle over the dog food. Mealworms enjoy apples and grapes, as well as carrots, zucchini and spinach.

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      Soak a clean sponge in cool water, and place the sponge in the container. Mealworms need plenty of water to digest their food, and a wet sponge provides adequate moisture without drowning the bugs.

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      Clean the worm containers twice a week to prevent uneaten food from rotting and turning moldy. Move the worms to a small cup and dump out the old dirt. Rinse the container with warm water, and dry with a towel. Refill with fresh dirt, and add fresh food before returning the worms to the container.

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      Dust the mealworms with lizard vitamin powder before feeding them to your lizards. Gut-loading adds the majority of necessary nutrients, but an extra dusting of vitamins rounds out the diet for happy, healthy lizards.