How to Save Your Water Lizard

Water lizards, particularly Chinese water dragons, are popular pets due to their social nature and easy-going disposition. Unfortunately, these lizards are prone to a number of health problems in captivity, including dehydration, metabolic bone disease, snout infections and malnutrition. If your lizard is exhibiting signs of poor health, early action increases your chances of saving it because minor health problems can quickly deteriorate into life-threatening conditions.


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      Take your lizard to a reptile veterinarian. This is a vital first step in determining what is wrong with your lizard. It may need antibiotics, calcium injections or surgery. Without veterinary assistance, following the steps below will likely be futile. See the resources section for a list of reptile veterinarians.

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      Feed your lizard a liquid diet. If your lizard is not eating it will need balanced nutrition until it recovers. Most pet stores sell liquid diets. Make sure you purchase one that is clearly designed for your pet's nutritional needs. To feed your lizard, place the food into an eye dropper and slowly drizzle the food onto its snout, allowing it to lick the food off. Do not leave uneaten food on your lizard's snout.

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      Take your lizard outside daily. A variety of health problems are caused by lack of exposure to sunlight. Even if your lizard has been getting quality UV light, sunlight provides more direct access to Vitamin D, which your lizard needs in order to metabolize calcium. Moreover, being outside can activate your lizard's hunting instinct, making it more likely that it will eat.

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      Clean and disinfect your lizard's cage. Parasites and bacteria that may have contributed to your lizard's illness could still be lurking in its cage. Remove and replace all substrate. Disinfect all cage ornaments with bleach, making sure to fully rinse these items with water prior to placing them back in the cage.

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      Keep your lizard warm. Water lizards need high temperatures in order to remain healthy and eat. Many health problems are caused by inadequate heat. Ask your veterinarian what temperature is appropriate to help your lizard recover and carefully monitor the ambient cage temperature.