Shedding Problems
Bearded dragons shed their skin. A breaded dragon sheds his skin as he grows. It usually comes off in patches at regular intervals. If the shedding process is taking too long, or the skin is not coming off completely around the toes, spikes or tail, there is a problem. Do not pull at the skin; this is not helpful.
Improper diet can affect your dragon's ability to shed properly. Other causes are incorrect temperatures, improper lighting, insufficient photoperiods, stress and parasites.
What To Do
First, try misting your dragon, or carefully soaking him in a tub of warm water for a few minutes. If this does not work, wrap him in a moist towel or carefully apply mineral oil to his skin after his bath to soften it. Then gently rub the skin to remove it from the toes, spike and tail.
Bearded dragons need to bask for good health. Be sure that the dragon's diet is correct. Supply a basking area where he can receive plenty of vitamin D from the UV light. Provide an adequate size water dish for soaking, and a way for him to exfoliate--usually a rock or branch.
Other Skin Problems
If the terrarium is too moist, your dragon can develop a fungal or bacterial skin infection. This usually develops in a cut and should be treated with antifungal cream.
Bearded Dragon Skin Problems
Bearded dragons are a cold-blooded reptile native to Australia. Caring for them is relatively easy; however, understanding their health and recognizing the signs of problems are vital for a long life.