Provide your lizard with enough room to move around. The minimum space for an adult lizard should be a 50-gallon terrarium. If you have more than one lizard, the living area should be larger.
Give your lizard plenty of hideaways. Pet supply stores sell items for this purpose, but even a box will provide your lizard with a place to hide out. Provide at least two places for him to hide.
Provide heat and light with a good quality, full-spectrum UVB heat bulb. The ideal setting for your lizard includes warm areas where he can feel as though he̵7;s basking in the sun and cooler areas where he can hide. Lizards bask in temperatures ranging from 90 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit; their hiding areas should be 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Line the bottom of the cage with play sand and/or aspen bedding. Fill the cage deeply enough so your lizard can burrow in the bedding. Do not use pine or cedar shavings, because they are harmful to lizards.
Feed your lizard a well-balanced diet. Lizards are omnivores, so they need variety. Crickets, mealworms, small pieces of cooked meat, boiled eggs, bananas, broccoli, carrots, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens and various fruits can all be part of a lizard's diet.
Place a shallow water dish in the lizard's cage. The dish needs to be large enough for him to soak in when he needs to do so. Keep the dish in a cool spot in the cage.
Cover your lizard̵7;s cage with a screen top. This will help protect your lizard as well as help regulate temperature.
Remove any waste and old food from the cage daily, and thoroughly clean the cage at least once a month.
How to Care for a Blue-Tongue Lizard
Blue-tongue lizards, or skinks, are hardy animals native to Australia and New Guinea that can live up to 20 years. They don̵7;t mind being held after they become accustomed to you, and they don't shed, making them a good pet for those with allergies. With the proper care, your blue-tongue lizard can be a companion for many years.