How to Handle Baby Leopard Geckos

It is easy to see why leopard geckos have become popular in the pet trade. This spotted gecko is rather small, making it easy to house in captivity. They are calmer than most captive geckos, and their care requirements are not expensive when compared to other reptiles. With skin that is velvety smooth, leopard geckos (particularly babies) are fragile and must be handled with care. They may make an easy pet for children to look after, but a child must be taught to remain calm when handling this pet.


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      Approach the leopard gecko steadily and with confidence. Like many animals, the gecko will become nervous and distressed if you put your hand out toward it, then jerk your hand away due to nervousness.

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      Lay your opened hand in the tank next to the baby gecko. Allow the gecko to examine your hand and climb around on you if it is willing. Be patient; you want the gecko to become comfortable with your presence. Do not make sudden or jerky movements once your hand is inside the tank.

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      Scoop up your leopard gecko carefully, using one hand on each side of it. Keep your focus on your pet. Geckos are fast and are renowned escape artists. It may dart up your arm or attempt to leap off your hand. Be prepared for this behavior. A baby gecko can severely injure itself in a fall.

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      Avoid picking up a leopard gecko by the tail. These geckos can lose their tails to injury and mishandling. Leopard geckos̵7; tails are very thick because this is where they store fat and water reserves. If the tail is broken off, the gecko will have to be carefully monitored for dehydration and starvation until the new tail grows in. The new tail will never be as long or look as nice as the original. Tail dropping is painful and stressful to a lizard; it should be avoided if at all possible.

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      Handle your pet very gently. Baby geckos are fragile. Most lizards have a tough skin that feels hard to the touch, whereas this type of gecko has soft skin that feels like velvet. They cannot tolerate rough handling or long falls.