Facts About Geckos

Geckos are small, harmless lizards that belong to the family Gekkonidae. They can be found on every continent except Antarctica, which is not warm enough to support their cold-blooded bodies. There are, at a minimum, 1,000 types of gecko.
  1. Size

    • Geckos range in size from the dwarf gecko, with an adult size of three-quarters of an inch, to the Tokay gecko, with an adult size of 14 inches.


    • Geckos are the only lizard that can vocalize other than hissing. They have a small range of chirps and squeaks they use to communicate.


    • Some geckos are partthenogenic, meaning the female can reproduce without mating with a male.


    • Gecko toes look double-jointed, but actually they just bend in the opposite direction of human fingers and toes. Each square millimeter on a gecko's footpad has tiny hair-like setae that give them their well-known ability to climb walls and cling to ceilings.

    Fun Fact

    • Teflon is the only known surface to which a gecko cannot cling.