Problems with Mold Spores for Iguanas

If your iguana's enclosure is having mold problems, you have two likely culprits--your humidifier or your iguana's food. Unfortunately mold spores are airborne, so once you have a mold problem it can be difficult to contain. If you find mold in your iguana's enclosure or in his food, remove the food and clean his enclosure immediately.
  1. Causes

    • Your iguana and mold have two things in common, a biological need for food and humidity. It is almost impossible for you to replicate the intense humidity of an iguana's natural habitat in your home without encouraging mold growth. Commercial iguana food pellets can also cause a problem. Because food pellets can dehydrate your iguana, you have to spray his pellets with water. Food plus moisture invariably results in mold if left for too long.


    • You have to be careful with mold because it can spread from your iguana's enclosure to other areas in your home. Mold spreads by reproducing, or in other words growing spores. Don't think that you are in the clear because you can't find any mold spores, as most types of mold have microscopic spores. The way that mold spores spread will depend on what type of mold they are.

      According to Envirochex, most types of mold have airborne spores that float into the air in search of a place to settle that has both food and moisture. Other types of mold have spores that are a wet, sticky mass. Some believe these spores catch a ride on insects and rodents.


    • Once you have mold, it is very difficult to get rid of it permanently, so it is always worth it to prevent mold at all costs. Mold needs food and moisture to grow so a good way to avoid getting a mold problem is to never leave food in your iguana's enclosure for more than a day. Change his food, clean his bowl and mop up spilled water every day so that mold doesn't have a chance to grow. Do not forget to clean your iguana's enclosure of feces and urates every day.


    • If you have discovered mold in your iguana's enclosure their are a few steps you can take to get rid of it, but the first thing you should do it disinfect the enclosure with bleach or a beach-based cleaning product.

      If you use a humidifier, turn it off. Get yourself a dehumidifier and dry out the air as much as possible. Without a humidifier it will become more difficult to keep your iguana hydrated. Try buying him a fountain--he'll be attracted to the movement and more likely to drink from it.

      Lose the commercial iguana pellet food that you have to spray with water. Try feeding him a salad of fruits and vegetables but remember, you should still change his food every day.


    • It is unhealthy to have mold in your home and should be removed with haste if found there. Bleach is one of the few ways to permanently kill mold. If you use bleach or beach-based cleaning products to clean your iguana's enclosure, make sure it is washed away before you place your pet back in his enclosure. Never mix bleach and ammonia when cleaning because when combined, they produce a noxious gas.