How to Supplement a Uromastyx Lizard's Diet

For survival, Uromastyx lizards need to have a well-balanced and healthy diet. Making sure that your Uromastyx lizard gets all of their needed nutrients from available vegetables and insects can come with challenges, however. Both multivitamin supplements and calcium supplements can fill in these nutritional gaps for the Uromastyx lizard. Follow these steps to learn how to properly supplement a Uromastyx lizard's diet.

Things You'll Need

  • Multivitamin supplement
  • Calcium supplement
  • Saltshaker for dispensing powdered supplements
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      Purchase a multivitamin supplement for your Uromastyx lizard. You can purchase supplements in powder form or spray form. Choose a vitamin supplement that doesn't contain calcium because you don't want to give a Uromastyx lizard too much calcium in their diet. Some multivitamin supplements come in either an insect formula or a veggie formula.

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      Select the formula appropriate for your Uromastyx lizard's diet. One of the suggested supplements is Rep Cal's Herptivite that's available at reptile pet stores such as Big Apple Herp. (See link in Resources.)

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      Give your Uromastyx lizard the multivitamin supplement you selected. Sprinkle or spray a small amount of the supplement over your Uromastyx's food at every feeding. If you have purchased a powdered multivitamin supplement, a salt shaker makes a great way to add the supplement to your Uromastyx's food.

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      Feed Uromastyx lizards appropriately depending on their age. Juvenile Uromastyx lizards will eat everyday and will receive their multivitamin supplement everyday as well. Adult Uromastyx lizards will typically eat every other day and get their vitamin supplement every other day. Juvenile Uromastyx lizards eat more insects than adults do, and adult Uromastyx lizards eat mostly green leafy vegetables such as turnip greens, collard greens or spring mix salad.

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      Add a calcium supplement to your Uromastyx lizard's diet. You don't want to give your Uromastyx lizard too much calcium, or it can cause health problems. Give adult Uromastyx lizards a calcium supplement approximately once every two weeks. Give juvenile Uromastyx lizards a calcium supplement two times per week. You can purchase calcium supplements in both a powdered and a spray form. (See link in Resources.)