How to Keep Veiled Chameleon as Pets

Veiled chameleons are a popular lizard to keep as a pet. Although a veiled chameleon may be prone to illness, its ability to thrive in extreme high temperatures make it a desirable pet. Learn how to properly keep veiled chameleon as pets to ensure a healthy animal.


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      Ensure your veiled chameleon is healthy. Inspect the body structure of the veiled chameleon to check for bone problems that indicate a calcium deficiency. Observe the eyes for a healthy appearance and test the temperament of the veiled chameleon to ensure it is not lethargic.

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      Choose the proper cage for your veiled chameleon. The cage should be made of screen material to allow for adequate ventilation and it should measure large enough for the veiled chameleon to have ample room to move. A cage that is 36 inches long by 36 inches wide by 48 inches tall should suffice.

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      Arrange the cage of your veiled chameleon. Substrate for the floor is not necessary, but newsprint can be used for easy cleanups. Place a large plant with strong branches for the veiled chameleon to lounge on such as a ficus and mist the inside of the enclosure 3 times per day to properly hydrate your veiled chameleon. Light the habitat with a fluorescent tube light and heat the enclosure with a incandescent light source. Turn the heat off at night so the veiled chameleon can regulate its temperature. During the day, the temperature should maintain between 75 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Feed your veiled chameleon a diet consisting of crickets and a calcium supplement. 5 to 15 crickets every other day should sufficiently nourish an adult veiled chameleon. Once a week, dust the feeding apparatus with calcium.