How to Care for a Pet Lizard

Many people believe that the smaller the pet, the less care it needs. Instead of getting a dog or cat, some opt for a gerbil, hamster or even a lizard. If you're going to own a pet lizard, know what you're getting yourself into. Pet lizards require a lot of equipment and time to care for them properly.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 glass or plastic aquarium tanks with screened covers
  • 2 spectrum UV lights
  • Sand, pea gravel or turf
  • Rocks
  • Climbing sticks
  • Live or artificial plants
  • Shallow water dish
  • Spray bottle
  • Distilled water
  • Rough bark or stone
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      Purchase a tank or aquarium of an adequate size for your pet lizard. The size of the tank you need depends on the type of lizard you have. Some species, like an iguana, can grow up to 5 feet in length. Make sure to also purchase a tight, screened cover for the tank.

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      Install a spectrum UV light over the tank. Lizards, being cold-blooded, need a warm environment in which to survive. Under-tank heating pads can also be added for extra warmth.

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      Fill the bottom of the tank with approximately 1 1/2 inches of sand, pea gravel or turf. Place rocks and climbing sticks, a cave-like dwelling and live or artificial plants inside the tank. Separate the tank so one side allows the lizard to rest and drink and the other side has flat rocks for the lizard to bask on.

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      Feed your pet lizard 4 to 6 live crickets or mealworms and mixed vegetables 3 times a week. Replace fresh water in a shallow dish daily.

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      Mist the inside of the tank daily with distilled water. This keeps the environment humid.