Prepared bearded dragon pet food most commonly comes in the form of pellets. These replace fresh vegetables in the diet and are a mix of vitamins, minerals, calcium, protein and fiber ,specifically designed for the beaded dragon in captivity. They are made by concentrating vegetable matter, such as beans, plants and vegetables, into pellet form. Most varieties are natural so no artificial additives or colorings are included.
Canned Insects
For the more squeamish lizard owner with a bearded dragon, a variety of dead insects can be purchased, so that still-wriggling creepy crawlies do not have to be purchased. Worms, crickets, meal worms, grasshoppers, snails and other common foods can be purchased in cans or plastic tubs and used when necessary.
In the wild, bearded dragons will munch on whatever plant life is available at the time. A bearded dragon will not want to be served a Caesar salad, but it will eat most vegetables purchased form a supermarket. It is best to avoid strong-tasting leaves like endive or arugula, but if the dragon is fed a variety a vegetables, its personal preferences will soon become obvious.
Live Insects
If the owner wants to feed a bearded dragon live insects, then there is no need to go digging in the garden for worms. Plastic containers of crickets, meal worms and other insects can be bought from any pet store and will last for a few weeks.
If you are not using the pre-prepared pellets then dietary supplements need to be included. Calcium and vitamin D3 need to be administered to prevent bone diseases. This is available in a powder and can be sprinkled on vegetables or insects at feeding time.
Prepared Food for Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons make ideal reptile lizard pets, as they are not fussy eaters and they do not grow very large. When they are young, bearded dragons mainly eat small insects, but as they get older, they consume more and more plant life. Earthworms dug from the garden can be fed to bearded dragons, but there are also a wide range of pre-prepared foods you can purchase from pet stores.