How to Fatten Up a Crocodile Skink

Crocodile skinks are small members of the family Scincidae. They entered the United States pet trade in the 1990s, and are still relatively uncommon pets. They are carnivores who require a varied diet consisting of crickets, worms and the occasional mouse. When their environmental needs are not met, their growth may slow. However, it is dangerous to attempt to fatten up a skink who eats normally, and rapid weight gain may cause organ failure. Take skinks who are emaciated or who have frail bones to a veterinarian before adding more food to their diet.

Things You'll Need

  • Wax worms
  • UVB Light bulb
  • Calcium Dust
  • Pre-killed pinkie mice
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      Add waxworms to your crocodile skink's diet. These worms are the larvae of wax moths and are fattening and high in calcium and protein. Most skinks readily eat these fatty, tasty worms. You can also place wax worms in a bowl of other food as a way to lure your skink to eat.

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      Feed adult crocodile skinks pre-killed pinkie mice every two to three weeks. Mice provide valuable nutrition and help skinks to build up fat stores. Additionally, the contents of the mouse's stomach may provide vital nutrients.

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      Dust every meal with a calcium supplement. Skinks must have calcium to grow properly and may develop organ failure, metabolic bone disease and stunted growth without it.

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      Provide access to ultraviolet light every day. Accomplish this by installing a UVB bulb above your skink's cage and leaving it on for 12 hours every day. Natural sunlight is even more effective, and if you choose to expose your skink to the sun instead of artificial lighting, it requires 2 hours of sunlight every day. Skinks must have access to ultraviolet rays to produce Vitamin D, which is vital for metabolizing calcium.