There are over 600 species of skink. Skinks are a type of lizard. They have four legs and a long tail. Their skin is covered in scales and they have claws on their feet. Most skinks do not grow longer than 8 inches, but the Solomon Islands giant skink can reach up to 24 inches. Skinks are usually striped, but may also be banded or spotted. The most common variety of skink has a bright blue tail. During breeding season, the male skink will develop a broad, orange head. Female skinks lay their eggs under flat rocks or inside rotten logs and guard them until hatching.
Skink Habitat and Diet
The skink habitat includes forests, prairies and glades. Very secretive, skinks typically live under rocks or other debris and only come out to hunt or bask in the sun. Glade skinks take shelter under rocks at night and bask on them during the day. Prairie skinks will seek shelter either under dead grass or in animal borrows. Forest skins typically make their homes inside fallen logs. Skinks eat insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, ants and beetles. They are also known to eat winged termites as they emerge from underground mounds.
Salamanders look like a cross between a lizard and a frog. They have smooth, moist skin and long tails. Salamanders are small, with adults ranging in size from 4 to 8 inches long. Most salamanders have four short legs with four toes on the front and five toes on the back legs. Some species, like the siren salamander, only have front legs.
Salamander Habitat and Diet
Salamanders need to stay moist and cool and can live on land or in the water. Land salamanders prefer shady areas and spend most of their time hiding under logs and rocks, or in damp burrows out of the sun. They live near lakes, ponds, streams and other pools of water. Some species of salamander, like the siren, live their entire lives in water. Salamanders eat worms, snails, insects and small fish. Salamanders lay their eggs in water. Most species will hatch into larvae with gills for breathing underwater. As they mature, land salamanders will develop lungs for breathing air. Lung-less species, like the hellbender, hatch directly into salamanders.
Skinks Vs. Salamanders
Skinks and salamanders look so much alike that they are often confused. Both are cold blooded creatures that share similar habitats and diets. However, a skink is a type of reptile that prefers warm, dry climates and plenty of sunlight. Salamanders belong to the amphibian class and require plenty of moisture to keep their skin from drying out.