Why did dinodaurs become extinct?

There is a scientific consensus that the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, which occurred approximately 66 million years ago, was caused by an asteroid impact near what is now Chicxulub, Yucatán, Mexico. The impact caused a series of devastating events, including a global winter, wildfires, and tsunamis, ultimately leading to the extinction of approximately 75% of all plant and animal species on Earth, including the dinosaurs.

Other factors that may have contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs include:

1. Climate change: The Earth's climate was undergoing significant changes during the Cretaceous period, including a gradual cooling trend. This may have affected the dinosaurs' habitat and food sources.

2. Competition: Dinosaurs faced competition from other animals, such as mammals and birds, which were evolving and adapting to their environment.

3. Disease: The dinosaurs may have been affected by diseases that weakened their populations and made them more susceptible to other threats.

It is important to note that the extinction of dinosaurs was not a sudden event but occurred over millions of years. Various factors likely played a role in their demise, and the asteroid impact was the final catastrophic event that led to their extinction.