What do wild mice build their nests out of?

Wild mice are resourceful nesters and will use a variety of materials to build their nests:

Common Materials:

* Soft Plant Materials: These include shredded paper, cloth scraps, cotton balls, feathers, hair, and even dryer lint.

* Natural Fibers: They'll use grasses, leaves, twigs, and even moss.

* Insulating Materials: Sometimes they'll use things like shredded insulation, packing peanuts, or even foam.

* Food Caches: Occasionally, mice will use their food stash as part of their nest material, especially if they're hoarding nuts, seeds, or grains.


Mice will build nests in a variety of locations, depending on the species and environment. Some common spots include:

* Attic spaces: These offer warmth and easy access to a house.

* Wall voids: Similar to attics, these spaces provide protection and shelter.

* Basements: Mice may create nests in basements, especially if there are cracks and crevices.

* Underneath floors: They may burrow under floorboards or create nests in spaces beneath floor coverings.

* Outdoor nests: Mice also build nests in gardens, sheds, barns, and even piles of firewood.

Important Note:

While mice are clever at finding materials, they often choose things that are dangerous for their health, like chemical-treated materials or plastics. It's important to be aware of what they may be using and to remove potential hazards.