Things You'll Need
- 1 large, smooth surfaced, low sided tray
- 1 deep, rectangular sized baking dish
- 1 bamboo kebab skewer
- 1 cocktail stick
- Tape
- Cube of cheese or peanut butter
Bend the bamboo skewer at 1/4 of its length to a 90 degree angle without snapping it completely.
Tape the cocktail stick across the bent area of the bamboo skewer in order to help keep its 90 degree angle. It should be a triangle shape once the stick is in place.
Take the low sided tray and face it upright on your working surface. Place the kebab skewer on one side of the tray with the longer section of the skewer is parallel to the tray underneath.
Stick the cube of cheese or peanut butter on the longer end of the kebab skewer. If this is your pet mouse, consider using its favorite type of food if it can easily stick to the skewer.
Place the baking dish over the kebab skewer with the open side facing down. On one end, have the baking dish rest on top of the kebab skewer where it is bent. The dish should only be slightly lifted so the mouse is able to get underneath. Rest the other side of the baking dish so that it touches the tray and covers the skewer with the piece of cheese.