How to Keep a Pet Mouse

A pet mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) is a domesticated breed of the common mouse (Mus musculus.) They also are known as "fancy" or "feeder" mice and have been intentionally bred as pets in Europe since the early 17th century. Fancy mice have a much greater variation in color than wild common mice, and their temperament is milder. The following steps will show how to keep a pet mouse.


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      Select a glass terrarium with a wire top as the best choice of housing for a pet mouse. Keep the enclosure away from direct sunlight and drafts. Clean the cage with hot water once a week and change the bedding twice a week.

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      Use a bedding of prepared litter or wood shavings. Wood shavings should not be from a tree that has a lot of resin such as cedar or pine and should not have any additives. Corncob bedding also works well and is available at pet stores.

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      Feed your mice a balanced diet. Specially made mouse food is available at pet stores and you also may use a combination of whole grains, fresh vegetables and dog biscuits. Provide a water bottle with a hanger in the enclosure.

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      Keep mice in groups, if possible. A group of females works well if you do not want offspring.

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      Put a single male with a group of females if you want them to reproduce. Males will tend to fight each other unless they grew up together, especially in the presence of females. Bear in mind that a breeding pair of mice can produce a litter every three weeks.