How to Play With Pet Mice

Mice need stimulation to remain healthy, but not from being chased by your cat! Store-bought toys are readily available; however, you pet mouse is just as happy with items found in your house. Remember they like climbing, running, chewing and hiding.


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      Exercise is important. When you purchased your mouse, no doubt you bought some kind of circular treadmill-the kind that the mouse climbs inside then runs while you're trying to sleep. This is a must have for the cage. Plastic is easier to clean and a large wheel is more suitable.

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      Buy toys that are made for mice. Look for things large enough to hide in and different types of climbing objects. Your pet store will have a variety to choose from.

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      Find a piece of rope and hang it from the top of your pet's dwelling. This serves as something to climb and play on, but clean if you notice the mouse has urinated on it.

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      Take discarded cardboard from a hand or toilet paper roll. Your pet mouse will love running through it. These will double-duty as something for the mouse to nibble on.

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      Look for discarded aquarium items. A pet mouse will love the ladder or playing in anything that has large holes for it to run into.

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      Play with your pet mouse outside the cage making sure it cannot run away. If you place it inside a cardboard box, watch that it can't jump out or gnaw its way through!

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      Hold your pet mouse and let it play around on your hands or legs.