Do Mice Eat Gerbil Food?

Mice are omnivorous scavengers that will eat a variety of seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables and even the occasional animal protein. They have a similar diet to gerbils and will basically eat the same foods as other rodents. However, they may have personal preferences for slightly different food items.
  1. Fresh Foods

    • Mice and gerbils eat many of the same fresh foods. These include leafy greens, broccoli, carrots and apples. In the wild, both species will eat assorted grasses and hay, though they may prefer fruits and vegetables in captivity. Both mice and gerbils will also eat the occasional mealworm that is offered to them, though these should be given sparingly as they can be fattening.

    People Foods

    • Both gerbils and mice can eat dry breakfast cereals and bread. Only the ones that have no sugar coating, marshmallow or candy bits or chocolate should be offered. Other "people" foods should be given only sparingly or not at all, as they could be too fattening or dangerous to the animal's health if the food has too much sugar or chemical preservative.

    Commercial Foods

    • Pet stores sell pre-packaged rodent foods that include all the items needed for a nutritionally complete diet. These foods can come in pellets or blocks or mixes of ingredients. While some foods will specifically say they are for mice and rats, others will advertise themselves as healthy for mice, rats, hamsters and gerbils. Millet, sunflower seeds, wheat, corn, oats, and dehydrated bits of fruit are all foods that may be included in these diets for both gerbils and mice.


    • There are certain food items that mice should not eat as they can cause digestive issues or sickness. These include chocolate, raw meat, cat and dog food and acidic fruits and vegetables such as lemons, oranges, onions and garlic. Some mice show an intolerance for peanuts, while others enjoy them as an occasional treat, so you be careful when offering them to a mouse for the first time.