How to Make a Mouse Cage for Kids

Mice are outstanding companions for kids. These "pocket pets" are soft, easy to handle, and fascinating to watch. Mice can often be trained to do tricks such as beg for food, slide down a toy sliding board, climb a ladder and much more. Proper housing is a major factor in the maintenance of healthy mice. Plastic or glass aquariums or wire or metal cages make great places for mice to live. If you want to be more creative, there are two types of cages you can build as outlined in the steps below.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic storage cubes
  • Utility knife
  • Screening or chicken wire
  • Cable zip ties
  • Drill and bit
  • Cabinet or bookcase
  • Dowel rods or molding
  • Nails
  • Hinges
  • Staple gun
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  1. How to Make a Mouse Cage for Kids

    • 1

      Build a cube cage. Get three to four clear plastic storage container cubes. Cut out the inside of the top container lid with a utility knife and stretch screening or chicken wire over the hole, attaching with cable/zip ties through holes bored into the lid edges.

    • 2

      Build a cabinet cage using a small cabinet or bookcase. Cut openings in the floor of each level for the mice to move from level to level. Use dowel rods or pieces of wooden or plastic molding for doors, nailed together and attached with small hinges. Stretch chicken wire or screening over the front frame and attach with staples.

    • 3

      Line with sawdust, shredded newspapers or commercial cat litter.

    • 4

      Furnish the cage with accessories such as ramps, ladders, swings, branches and exercise wheels. Add private spaces such as toilet-paper tubes and tissue boxes for mice to hide in and chew up.