How to Get Rid of Pet Mice

While mice make great pets for some people, others find out the hard way after purchase that mice aren't the animals for them. Mice are intelligent little creatures, but as with all other pets, vet bills tend to accumulate, and feeding, bedding and housing costs add up. Mice also require time, since they need someone to play with them and keep their cages clean. Finding a new home for your mice is not always easy, but do not turn your pets loose outside to keep from dealing with them.


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      Contact your local animal shelter or Humane Society. If these resources are not equipped to take the mice off your hands, they can offer you a wealth of information and resources to help you place your mouse. Keep in mind that many shelters, if unable to adopt out your mice, will be forced to humanely euthanize them.

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      Talk to your neighbors and friends to find out if there is anyone you know interested in adopting your pets.

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      Check with principals at area schools. Sometimes classrooms will adopt small pets as projects for young children.

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      Advertise on a pet-oriented free classifieds site such as Pet Classifieds at, or on a general site such as Craigslist. When writing your ad, state what you are looking for in terms of care of your mice, and set up an interview to inspect the potential adopter's home.