Quick Little Facts About Pet Mice

Choosing the right pet requires research and careful planning. Because of their small size, low-maintenance care requirements and sociability, pet mice are a popular choice for many people. Taking the time to learn a few quick little facts about pet mice can help you to decide whether this type of pet is right for you.
  1. Mice as Pets

    • Pet mice are domesticated versions of wild mice, and are often referred to as fancy mice. Mice are intelligent, naturally curious and social animals. One of the most interesting quick little facts about pet mice is that they can be trained to do simple tricks, including coming to their owners when they are called.


    • In captivity, mice can live anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 years. Feeding your pet mice healthy foods, providing plenty of fresh water and making sure that they receive proper veterinary care when necessary can help to prolong their lifespan.


    • When it comes to diet, one of the most important quick little facts about pet mice to keep in mind is that although they will eat almost anything, they should never be fed chocolate, onions or peanut butter, as these foods can be toxic to their systems. A high-quality, nutritionally balanced seed or pellet mix from a pet store is the best food for pet mice, along with occasional treats, like raw veggies.


    • Pet mice are most commonly housed in wire cages, since these provide adequate ventilation and are easy to clean and transport. Aquariums can also be used, provided that holes are drilled in at least one side of the tank for ventilation. Bedding should be replaced on a weekly basis, and mice should be provided with a nesting box, since they love to nest and burrow.

    Choosing a Pet Mouse

    • The most common place to purchase a pet mouse is at a local pet store. It is also possible to obtain pet mice from a breeder. When choosing a pet mouse, be sure to pick one that appears to be friendly and in good health (bright eyes, soft fur, alert). If you are buying more then one mouse, make sure to get a pair of the same sex, unless you want to breed them.


    • Like any pet, mice require adequate care and socialization. Mice that are not properly socialized can become frightened of humans, which is why it is important to interact with them on a daily basis. When considering mice as pets, make sure that you have the time and resources necessary to devote to them.