How to Feed White Mice

Available with either pink or black eyes, white mice are part of the rodent order, which comes in a wide range of fur colors with just as many eye colors. White mice are not big water drinkers, but they do like to eat. In fact, mice that live in the wild will eat just about anything. But that does not mean that a diet of ̶0;everything̶1; is healthful. White mice kept as pets require a balanced diet to live a long life.

Things You'll Need

  • Pellet mix
  • Mouse bowls
  • Clean water
  • Water bottle with drinking tube
  • Vegetable, carbohydrate and protein supplements
  • Hard nuts and acorns
  • Dry cat food
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      Keep a bowl of pellet mix in the cage at all times. You can purchase bowls sized especially for mice at a pet shop. Mouse pellet mixes, specifically formulated with the nutrients that mice need, will help to keep your white mice healthy.

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      Provide your white mice with clean water daily. Keep a full water bottle with an attached drinking tube connected to the cage at all times. A water bottle will keep the cage cleaner than a bowl of water, which the mice can easily tip or contaminate with food and bedding.

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      Supplement the diet of your white mice with vegetables, carbohydrates and protein. Mice love vegetables, especially lettuce, carrots and peas. Their favorite carbohydrates include stale bread and cereal. A dog biscuit can help add protein to the diet of your white mice.

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      Promote good dental hygiene by feeding your white mice hard, crunchy foods. Any type of hard nuts or acorns will help keep your mice̵7;s teeth in good chewing condition.

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      Offer your white mice treats every now and then. A treat once a week consisting of sunflower seeds, jam, cheese, granola bars or fresh fruit will keep your white mice happy.

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      Feed pregnant or young white mice dry cat food, in addition to their pellets. The dry cat food yields a high fat and protein content, which pregnant mice need. Youngsters, mice under the age of one, will also benefit from the dry cat food during their various growth stages.