How to Train Pet Mice

Mice are small and not well known for their intellect, but they can be trained. Some tricks you can fairly easily train your mouse to do are to sit upright on command and come when you call its name. After your mouse has mastered simple tricks, use the same training techniques to teach him new tricks. You will need patience and plenty of time to teach your mouse what you want him to do. Two weeks to learn a new trick is a good guideline if you practice frequently.

Things You'll Need

  • Mouse treats
  • Mouse
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    • 1

      Choose a time for training when your mouse is alert and playful. Tired, bored or otherwise distracted animals do not make good students, regardless of species.

    • 2

      Hold a mouse treat slightly above the mouse's head, so he has to stand up to reach it, while saying "up," if you wish to begin with training the mouse to sit up on command. If you wish for the mouse to come when its name is called, put the treat slightly out in front of it, so it has to take a step to reach it, while saying the mouse's name.

    • 3

      Gradually increase the distance that the mouse must move to reach the treat. Continue to use the same verbal command in the same tone of voice each time.

    • 4

      Pause a second before handing over the treat if teaching the mouse to sit up. Gradually increase the time between the sitting up and giving the treat to encourage the mouse to sit up and hold the position for a few seconds before the treat reward is given.

    • 5

      Move the treat closer and closure to you gradually if you are teaching the mouse to come to its name so that it begins to come closer to you on command.

    • 6

      Practice the tricks, even after the mouse knows them well, a few times a week, so that the mouse does not forget the training.