* Foxes: Red foxes, grey foxes, and others are known bunny hunters.
* Coyotes: These canids are opportunistic hunters and will readily take down rabbits.
* Wolves: While not as common in areas where rabbits are plentiful, wolves will eat rabbits if they're available.
* Bobcats: These wild cats are skilled hunters of rabbits.
* Weasels: Long-bodied, fierce hunters, weasels can even squeeze into burrows to catch rabbits.
* Raccoons: Though they prefer fruits and insects, raccoons will eat rabbits if given the chance.
* Badgers: These animals have powerful claws and can dig rabbits out of their burrows.
* Hawks: Several hawk species, like the red-tailed hawk, prey on rabbits.
* Owls: Great horned owls and other owls are nocturnal hunters and often prey on rabbits.
* Snakes: Garter snakes, rattlesnakes, and other snakes will eat rabbits if they can overpower them.
* Birds of Prey: Hawks, owls, eagles, and other birds of prey will hunt rabbits.
* Domestic Cats: While not wild, cats can pose a threat to rabbits, especially those living in areas where cats have access.
* Dogs: Some dogs, particularly terriers, have a natural instinct to hunt rabbits.
It's important to note that the presence of predators helps regulate rabbit populations and keeps the ecosystem in balance.