What does deer poop look like?

Deer poop, also known as "pellets," looks like this:

* Shape: Small, round, and typically about the size of a pea or marble.

* Color: Brown to black, sometimes with a bit of green depending on what they've eaten.

* Texture: Firm and dry, often with a crumbly texture.

* Appearance: Individual pellets, usually clustered together, but can also be scattered.

How to tell deer poop from other animal poop:

* Size and shape: Deer pellets are smaller and rounder than the droppings of most other animals.

* Absence of odor: Deer poop is usually relatively odorless, unlike other animal droppings, such as dog or cat poop.

* Location: Deer often poop in areas where they feed, such as meadows, fields, or gardens.

Remember, if you're unsure what you're looking at, it's best to err on the side of caution and avoid contact.