How long can a baby rabbit survive without its mother?

Baby rabbits, called kits, are incredibly vulnerable and cannot survive for long without their mother.

Here's why:

* Milk: Kits rely entirely on their mother's milk for nutrition for the first few weeks of their lives. They cannot digest solid food on their own.

* Warmth: Their mother provides warmth and protection, particularly in the nest.

* Cleaning: The mother keeps the nest clean and free of parasites.

Generally, kits can only survive for a few hours without their mother. Even with artificial care, it's extremely difficult to provide the same level of care a mother rabbit does.

If you find a kit alone, it's crucial to contact a wildlife rehabilitator or a veterinarian who specializes in rabbits. They can assess the kit's health and provide the necessary care.

It's important to note that disturbing a nest of kits can be harmful. The mother may abandon them if she detects human scent. If you find a nest, leave it undisturbed and contact a wildlife professional for help.