* Herbivores: Rabbits are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants.
* High-fiber diet: Their digestive system is designed to break down a lot of fiber. This means they need to eat a lot of hay, which is essential for their gut health.
* "Cecotrophy": Rabbits produce two types of droppings: hard droppings (which they eliminate normally) and soft, moist droppings called cecotropes. They actually eat these cecotropes to get more nutrients! This is called "cecotrophy."
* Constant grazing: Rabbits need to eat small amounts of food throughout the day to keep their digestive system working properly.
What they eat:
* Hay: The most important part of their diet, should be 70-80% of their food intake.
* Fresh vegetables: In small amounts, providing vitamins and minerals.
* Pellets: These should be a small part of their diet and chosen carefully to avoid too much fat and protein.
* Fresh herbs: Some safe herbs can be given as treats.
What they should NOT eat:
* Meat: As herbivores, rabbits can't digest meat.
* Fruit: Too much sugar can cause digestive problems.
* Chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol: These are toxic to rabbits.
* Many common human foods: Things like onions, garlic, avocado, and leafy greens like spinach can be harmful.
So, rabbits are not strange eaters, they are just very specific about their diet! If you're considering getting a rabbit, make sure you do your research on their proper diet and provide them with everything they need to stay happy and healthy.