When rabbits eat what do they do?

Rabbits are herbivores, meaning they eat plants. Here's what happens when a rabbit eats:

* Chewing: Rabbits have strong teeth that constantly grow. They use their front teeth (incisors) to gnaw on food, and their back teeth (molars) to grind it up.

* Digesting: Rabbits have a unique digestive system. They eat their own poop (cecotropes) to get the most nutrients from their food. This process is called cecotrophy.

* Eliminating waste: After digesting, rabbits produce two types of droppings: hard, dry pellets and soft, moist cecotropes.

Here are some specific things rabbits do when eating:

* Graze on grasses, hay, and vegetables: These are their main food sources.

* Nibble on fruits and flowers: They enjoy these as treats in moderation.

* Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for their health.

* Eat their own poop: This might sound gross, but it's a natural part of their digestion.

Do you want to learn more about the specific foods that rabbits eat?