What is the survival rate of cottontail rabbits in captivity?

It's difficult to give a precise survival rate for cottontail rabbits in captivity. There are several factors that influence their lifespan:

* Individual variation: Just like humans, some rabbits are naturally more robust than others.

* Care: The quality of care provided is paramount. A well-maintained, clean environment with appropriate diet, enrichment, and veterinary attention greatly increases survival chances.

* Species: Different rabbit breeds may have slightly different life expectancies.

Generally, cottontail rabbits in good care can live 5-7 years, with some reaching 10 years. However, in less than ideal conditions, or if they experience health problems, their lifespan can be significantly shorter.

Here are some additional points:

* Wild cottontails: Wild cottontails have a much lower survival rate due to predators, disease, and harsh weather.

* Domestic rabbits: Domestic rabbits, like Dutch rabbits, are bred for specific traits and often have longer lifespans than wild cottontails in captivity.

* Veterinary care: Regular veterinary checkups are crucial for identifying and treating health issues that can shorten a rabbit's life.

If you're considering keeping a cottontail rabbit, research their specific needs and be prepared to provide them with a high-quality environment.