When does a rabbit leave it mother?

Rabbit kits typically leave their mother's nest at around 3-4 weeks of age. However, this can vary slightly depending on factors like:

* Species: Some rabbit breeds are more independent than others.

* Environment: Access to food, water, and shelter can influence weaning time.

* Mother's health and behavior: A healthy, experienced mother rabbit may encourage her kits to become independent earlier.

While kits start venturing out of the nest around 3-4 weeks, they may continue to nurse and stay near their mother for another week or two until they're fully weaned. They also learn essential survival skills from their mother during this time, like foraging and grooming.

It's crucial to remember that wild rabbit kits are often left alone by their mothers during the day to protect them from predators. If you find a lone rabbit kit, it's best to leave it alone, as the mother will likely return to care for it.