* Coyotes: Coyotes are very common in Indiana and are a major predator of rabbits.
* Red Foxes: Also widespread in Indiana, red foxes prey on rabbits, especially young ones.
* Bobcats: Bobcats are less common than coyotes and foxes but can be found in some areas, and they do hunt rabbits.
* Hawks and Owls: Several hawk and owl species, such as Red-tailed Hawks, Great Horned Owls, and Cooper's Hawks, prey on rabbits.
* Snakes: Some snake species, like garter snakes and rat snakes, will eat young rabbits.
* Domestic Dogs: While not "wild" predators, feral or unleashed dogs can pose a threat to rabbits.
Keep in mind: The specific predators that are most common in a particular area of Indiana will depend on the habitat. For example, you might find more hawks and owls in areas with open fields and forests, while coyotes might be more common in suburban areas.