What do mountain rabbits eat?

Mountain rabbits, also known as snowshoe hares, are herbivores. Their diet consists primarily of:

* Grasses: They are a key part of their diet, especially during the warmer months.

* Forbs: These are broad-leaved plants like clovers, dandelions, and wildflowers.

* Twigs and bark: They are more important during the winter when other food sources are scarce.

* Conifer needles: They provide a source of nutrients when other vegetation is unavailable.

* Mushrooms and other fungi: They can be part of their diet, depending on availability.

They also prefer to eat plants that are young and tender, and they will sometimes graze on cultivated crops in agricultural areas.

Their diet varies depending on the season and availability of food sources. In the winter, they are known to eat bark and twigs from trees, and even conifer needles, to supplement their diet.

It's important to remember that they are wild animals, and providing them with food is not recommended.