1. Indian Elephant: While not inherently aggressive, elephants can be extremely dangerous when threatened or provoked. They are powerful and can cause significant damage with their tusks and feet.
2. Himalayan Bear: These bears are known to be aggressive, especially when protecting their cubs or food sources. They are large and strong, with powerful claws and teeth.
3. Wild Pig: While not typically considered dangerous to humans, wild pigs can be aggressive when threatened, especially sows protecting their young. They can inflict serious bites and tusks.
4. Snow Leopard: Snow leopards are solitary and elusive, rarely interacting with humans. They are skilled predators but generally avoid contact.
5. Red Panda: These animals are small and gentle, and are not known to pose any threat to humans.
Important Notes:
* This list is a generalization, and individual animal behavior can vary.
* It is important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions when in areas inhabited by these animals.
* Respect wildlife and give them space.