Most Important:
* Hay: This should make up the majority of their diet (around 80%). Good choices include timothy, orchard grass, and oat hay.
* Fresh Vegetables: About 10-15% of their diet should be fresh, leafy greens. Examples: romaine lettuce, kale, spinach, parsley.
* Pellets: These provide supplemental nutrition, but only a small amount (about 5-10%) is needed. Choose a high-quality pellet made for rabbits.
Other Important Considerations:
* Water: Always provide fresh, clean water.
* Treats: Occasional treats are fine, but moderation is key. Safe options include small pieces of fruit (bananas, apples, strawberries), herbs (cilantro, dill), and small amounts of plain yogurt.
* Avoid: Chocolate, onions, garlic, avocados, and sugary foods are toxic to rabbits.
Important Note: The specific amounts and types of food will vary depending on the rabbit's age, breed, and activity level. It's best to consult with a veterinarian or a rabbit-savvy professional for personalized dietary recommendations.