Do Rabbits Eat During the Night?

A rabbit's eating habits and digestive traits are some of the most remarkable things about this creature. Rabbits have a system so efficient that it produces nutrients, such as amino acids for them. In order to maintain proper health, rabbits -- just like any other animal -- must be given proper food sources. Healthy and well-cared for rabbits can live anywhere from 7 to 15 years.
  1. Nocturnal

    • Rabbits, both domesticated and those that are wild, sleep during the day. On average, rabbits sleep between 8 and 9 hours. Rabbits are more apt to feed during the evening or nighttime hours. Instead of swiftly finishing a meal, rabbits graze for an hour or so at one time. Rabbits are also chewers, as they chew their food repeatedly, to break it down before they swallow.

    Food Types

    • Leafy greens are ideal fuel for rabbits. For example, feed your pet rabbit broccoli, cabbage, or romaine lettuce. These types of vegetables help the rabbit's digestive system, but also aid in water intake. Leave plenty of fresh hay in your rabbit's cage, so that he can graze on this as well. It's especially important for young rabbits to have hay in their diet, as hay is gentle on the digestive system while providing proper nutrition.


    • Pet rabbits can have treats, but be careful about what kind of treats you are feeding your pet -- as many treats that are found in pet stores are loaded with fat and artificial components that may cause your rabbit to gain weight. Many fruits, such as raspberries, blueberries, pineapple, and apple are healthy when given in small doses. Avoid giving your rabbit peas; though pea pods without the peas are okay.

    Digestive Process

    • The digestive process of a rabbit is unique to other animals. Rabbits have two kinds of pellets that they expel and only one is a waste pellet. The other pellet is green in color and is called a cecotrope. You will rarely see these pellets, as the rabbit consumes them as they are expelled from the body. They contain essential elements such as amino acids, that the rabbit needs to nourish it's body.