How to Build a Rabbit's Nest

Nests provide security and comfort to both domestic and wild rabbits. Nests are especially important to does (adult female rabbits) who are expecting kits (baby rabbits). A properly built nest will protect a rabbit from the elements, keep them out of sight of predators, and allow them to raise their newborn kits in comfort. Newborn rabbits have a high rate of mortality; a good nest will significantly reduce that mortality rate.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 sheet 3/4-inch-thick plywood
  • Electric rotary saw
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Coarse-grained sandpaper
  • Power drill
  • Wood screws
  • Wire mesh 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch
  • Staple gun
  • Newsprint
  • Hay
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  1. Domestic Rabbit Nest

    • 1

      Draw outlines of your pieces on a sheet of 3/4-inch-thick plywood. You will need two sides, each 16 by 8 inches; one back, 8 by 10 inches; one top, 8 by 10 inches; and one front, 3 1/2 by 10 inches. Draw the outlines so that the pieces share edges to simplify the following step.

    • 2

      Use an electric rotary saw to cut out the five pieces. Read the manual that came with the rotary saw in order to follow proper cutting and safety procedures.

    • 3

      Lay a side piece flat with the 16-inch sides as the bottom and top. Use a pencil to make a mark 3 1/2 inches up (along the 8 inch-edge) from the bottom right corner. Make a second mark 7 inches in (along the 16-inch edge) from the top left corner. Use a ruler to connect the two marks. Repeat this step for the second side piece.

    • 4

      Use the electric rotary saw to cut along the lines you marked in Step 3. You will end up with two trapezoid-shaped side pieces.

    • 5

      Use coarse-grained sandpaper to sand any rough edges on all five pieces.

    • 6

      Set up the two side pieces about 10 inches apart with the 16-inch sides as the bottom and the top. Place the back piece against the 8-inch ends of the side pieces with the 10-inch sides as the bottom and the top. A person to help makes this step much easier.

    • 7

      Align the edges of the side and back pieces as evenly as possible. Use a power drill to drill two wood screws into each side of the back piece, securing it to the side pieces.

    • 8

      Place the front piece against the 3 1/2-inch ends of the side pieces. Align the edges of the side and front pieces as evenly as possible. Use the power drill to drill two screws into each side of the front piece, securing it to the side pieces.

    • 9

      Place the top piece on top of the box so that the 10-inch side aligns with the back of the box and the 8-inch sides align with the sides of the box. The opposite 10-inch side should end just as the diagonal cut of the side pieces begins. Secure the edges of the top piece to the side and back pieces using the power drill.

    • 10

      Cut a piece of 1/2-inch by 1/2-inch wire mesh into a rectangle 9 1/2 by 16 inches in size.

    • 11

      Flip the box over. Use a staple gun to attach the wire mesh rectangle to the bottom of the box. Align the edges of the wire to the edges of the box as evenly as possible so that there is no wire overhanging the edges of the box.

    • 12

      Turn the box over once more, so that the wire mesh is the bottom of the box. Place several layers of blank newsprint paper in the bottom of the box. Cover the newsprint with a layer of hay. Place the box in your rabbit's cage or hutch.

    Wild Rabbit Nest

    • 13

      Choose a nesting location near a water source, such as a creek or pond. The location should also be near food sources, such as hay, grass, vegetables, fruit and weeds.

    • 14

      Observe the location during rainfall to determine if the location has proper drainage. Damp locations will not attract rabbits looking to nest. Locations on a slight hill or rise are preferable.

    • 15

      Increase the security of the location by adding additional coverage. Pile brush against fences, overgrown objects, rocks or trees to create shelter for nesting rabbits. Do not mow the grass or prune the brush surrounding the nesting area.