How to Make a Rabbit Den

If you own a pet rabbit, especially a baby, one of the most important things you need to provide for it is a den, or a nest box. Rabbits like to burrow in warm, dry places. In the wild, they make their own dens out of soft materials such as grasses and leaves. When domesticated, the rabbits need soft materials provided for them such as towels or pillows.

Things You'll Need

  • Medium-sized plastic tub or clean, empty cat litter box
  • Clean, dry towels
  • Small, soft objects such as stuffed animals
  • Hand-held vacuum cleaner
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      Purchase a medium-sized plastic box such as a storage tub. Make sure that it is short enough that the rabbit can hop inside of it. You can also purchase a new, clean cat litter box. These have openings for the rabbit to get inside easily.

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      Cover the bottom of the box with clean towels. Use more than one towel so that the rabbit can burrow beneath one layer of towel if it wants to. Change the towels every 2 to 4 days to make sure they stay clean and dry.

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      Keep the temperature in the rabbit den's room about 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Rabbits can overheat easily, so the room should not be any warmer than this.

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      Place soft objects inside the den such as small stuffed animals or small pillows. This is especially helpful if the rabbit is the only one using the den. In the wild, rabbits burrow into dens with other rabbits. Using soft objects in place of other rabbits will help the rabbit feel safe and comfortable.

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      Cover the rabbit with a towel inside the den if it is a baby. Baby rabbits eyes are sensitive to light and should be covered whenever possible.

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      Using a hand-held vacuum, regularly vacuum the rabbit feces from the den between towel cleanings. This will ensure a clean, healthy environment within the den for the rabbit.