How to Care for a Jersey Wooly Rabbit

The Jersey Wooly rabbit is a docile, intelligent animal commonly kept as a pet. This species of rabbit was developed by cross-breeding the Netherland dwarf and French Angora rabbits. Jersey Wooly rabbits come in a variety of colors, with a soft, manageable fur coat. They normally weigh about 3 1/2 pounds, but their fluffy hair makes them look much larger than their actual size. Taking care of your Jersey Wooly rabbit can help ensure it reaches the breed's normal lifespan of about 10 years.

Things You'll Need

  • Brush
  • Timothy hay
  • Vegetable
  • Fruits
  • Water
  • Treats
  • Cage
  • Cardboard
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      Brush your Jersey Wooly rabbit's coat at least three to four times a week. Regular brushing will keep its coat matt-free and silky. Brushing also helps keep your rabbit cool when it gets hot outside.

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      Feed your Jersey Wooly a well-balanced diet. This should consist of Timothy hay, fresh vegetables, fruits, water and an occasional treat. Some of the vegetables that should be included are parsley, cilantro, collard greens, romaine lettuce and parsley. Fruits such as peaches, plums, pears, blueberries, papaya, strawberries and melons are healthy choices. You also can give your rabbit apples with the seeds removed.

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      Keep your Jersey Wooly in a cage that is roomy enough for him to move around. It is recommended the cage be at least five times larger than the rabbit. Layer the bottom with cardboard or other padding to protect the rabbit's feet. Let your Jersey Wooly out of his cage for exercise a few hours each day.