Inspect your rabbit to diagnose if it truly has rabbit mites. These mites are normally found in the region of the neck and back. They can also be found in the ears. Run your fingers through their fur, carefully inspecting the skin area for any signs of mites. Watch for lesions on the skin, dandruff or for excessive scratching from the rabbit itself. Another easy trick to find the appearance of mites is to apply tape to the rabbit and watch for any mites that attach themselves to the tape.
Take your rabbit to the veterinarian. You will need to consult a professional if you believe your rabbit is infected with mites. Visit your veterinarian to obtain a prescription medication to treat your rabbit's mites. Ivermectin is the most effective prescription known to treat fur mites, while selamectin is often used for treatment of ear mites. Your doctor may also determine if the rabbit requires pain medication.
Special medications will take care of your rabbit's mite problem. Administer ivermectin to your rabbit orally, through injection or topically. According to Dr. Esther van Praag, a rabbit should be treated with ivermectin three separate times every 10 to 14 days. For ear mites, if you choose to use selamectin, you will only need to administer this treatment once. Anaglesic pain medication should be administered under veterinarian supervision.
Mites may fall from your rabbit's fur or ears, contaminating the environment around it. It is important to clean the cage carefully as well as the area around the cage so that your rabbit doesn't get infected again. Use a product containing boric acid to kill any mites in the surrounding area. Pour the boric acid on the carpeting around the cage and vacuum for complete treatment.
Cure for Rabbit Mites
If your pet bunny rabbit doesn't seem to have the same healthy fur that it normally does, it may have mites. Rabbit mites in the fur are uncomfortable for the rabbit, and are caught from being in proximity to other rabbits who are infected. Thankfully, you can treat this problem via medication prescribed by your rabbit's veterinarian.