How to Make a Rabbit Cage Cover

When the weather is cold and harsh, put a cover on your rabbit hutch. Check before winter arrives to make sure the hutch is waterproof and safe from drafts. Extra bedding will also provide insulation. Make removable covers so when weather warms again, the hutch can be opened back up to allow fresh air in and keep rabbits from getting overheated.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood boards
  • Nails or screws
  • Tape measure
  • Hinges
  • Saw (any type)
  • Hammer
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      Slope the roof at an angle to allow rain and snow to run off. In all types of weather, a good roof is essential for protecting the rabbits from the elements. Use a plywood board for the roof. You can also use fiberglass or sheet metal, which will last longer.

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      Measure the width and length of the hutch and cut the roof a little bigger to provide an overhang to keep some rain off the hutch. Make the roof so that it will lift open: attach a 4-inch wide board along the back portion of the cage and then attach the roof section to the board with hinges to allow for easier access into the cage from the top.

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      Cover the sides if the hutch is made of wire instead of wood. A tarp, canvas, plastic sheet or even an old blanket will work in a pinch when really bad weather hits. You want to make sure that there's still plenty of ventilation in the cage for the rabbits to remain comfortable.

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      Create a more permanent yet removable cover by nailing or stapling a canvas sheet to the front and sides of the roof. When the weather gets bad, simply pull down the canvas from roof to cover the front and sides of the cage. Lift up and set the canvas on the roof when you want the cage open.