How to Give a Yucca Capsule to a Rabbit?

Rabbit researchers at three Egyptian universities have confirmed that feeding Yucca schidigera root extract to bunnies decreases the ammonia content of their droppings and urine, reducing noxious odors in rabbitries and pet rabbit cages. Other studies indicate yucca has multiple health benefits for animals and humans. The yucca plant's root is bitter enough to cause mouth-foaming when eaten, making it completely unpalatable. Hiding yucca root or extract in food will not mask its extreme bitterness. The root can be dried, ground and put into a gelatin capsule. It is commercially available in this form. The trick is getting the pill into the rabbit without causing undue stress by using a pill gun.

Things You'll Need

  • Pills
  • Small veterinary pill gun
  • Bath towel or large hand towel
  • Water
  • Rabbit treat
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    • 1

      Gather your supplies. Fill the body of the pill gun with water, if your pill gun has this feature. The water helps encourage the rabbit to swallow the pill, but is not necessary. Insert the pill into the gun's rubber gripper.

    • 2

      Place your rabbit on a low table and pet its back to calm and comfort it if your rabbit will hold still for handling. If not, snugly wrap your rabbit's body, from neck to tail, in a towel and hold it firmly against your body while cradling it in your non-dominant arm.

    • 3

      Place your palm on top of the rabbit's head. If you are using a towel, use the hand of the arm you are holding the rabbit in. Wrap your thumb and index finger around the rabbit's jaw. Use either digit to lift the side of the rabbit's lip to reveal the interdental space. The interdental space is the toothless area right behind the front teeth.

    • 4

      Insert your thumb and index fingers into the interdental spaces, opening the rabbit's mouth. Quickly insert the pill gun into the rabbit's mouth next to your finger and angle it toward the back of the tongue. Make sure the pill and gun tip are well into the mouth, above the tongue and near the molars.

    • 5

      Quickly push the pill gun plunger to eject the pill onto the back of the tongue near the throat. This will initiate the rabbit's swallowing reflex. Be sure the rabbit has swallowed the pill before letting go of its head.

    • 6

      It may be necessary to repeat the procedure until you are successful. When your rabbit has swallowed the pill, give it a favorite treat.