Pet Rabbit Checklist

A comprehensive pet rabbit checklist will include items for the pet rabbit's home, diet, care and entertainment. It is best to have all of these items before your new pet is brought to a new home, so the rabbit can quickly settle in and become accustomed to its surroundings.
  1. Items for the Pet Rabbit's Home

    • Housing for the rabbit should include a large cage; the House Rabbit Society recommends a cage that is at least 4 times the length of the rabbit, when the rabbit is completely stretched out. Wire floor cages are not recommended for rabbits, as the wires can hurt their delicate feet. Instead, a solid floor is best.

      Within the rabbit's cage, place a litter box filled with litter formulated just for pet rabbits. Do not use cat litter. Add a rabbit grass mat and a rabbit hutch or bunny tent, to help the rabbit feel safe and comfortable.

    Items for the Pet Rabbit's Diet

    • Rabbits eat timothy, oat or alfalfa hay, rabbit pellets and fresh vegetables and fruits. The rabbit house will also need a hay rack, water bottle and stainless steel or stoneware food bowl: Rabbits will chew plastic bowls. Set up all of these items in the cage, and fill the hay rack, water bottle and place a few pellets in one bowl and just a few rabbit approved veggies, fruits and herbs -- such as carrots, parsley, mustard greens, papaya, celery, collard greens -- in another bowl, just before the rabbit comes home.

    Items for the Pet Rabbit's Care

    • Grooming tools which are essential for pet rabbits include a soft brush and a small nail trimmer suitable for trimming rabbit claws. A pet carrier for the rabbit will be needed to transport the rabbit, and the rabbit should have a small harness and leash too. For new rabbit owners, a book about care and health can be a huge help and a vital resource.

    Items for Rabbit Fun

    • Rabbits are intelligent, social, active animals and they thrive in an environment which gives them access to plenty of play, exercise and mental stimulation. Many pet owners let their rabbits roam around the home or in a fenced yard -- under supervision -- for exercise, but to keep rabbits entertained, extra items are needed such as: a bunny maze or tunnel (rabbits love to tunnel), a bunny play house, fun rabbit chewies -- hide these in the cage and around the house or yard -- other options include willow balls, to chew on and roll around -- and bunny chew blocks.