How to Cure My Rabbit of Pasteurella

"Snuffles" may be a cute name for a disease, but pet rabbit owners know it is serious business. Pasteurella multocida is a species of bacteria that cause a variety of illnesses in rabbits. The most common manifestation of pasteurella is an upper respiratory infection, informally referred to as "having the snuffles." Other health conditions caused by pasteurella bacteria are ear infections, facial paralysis, pneumonia, skin abscesses and wounds, and bone infection. You should be able to treat most cases of pasteurella-related illness with the help of a veterinarian.


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      Identify and record the symptoms of your rabbit's illness. Consult a veterinarian or a rabbit health guide to determine what your rabbit might be suffering from. As soon as possible, make an appointment with a veterinarian.

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      Consult a veterinarian or a rabbit health guide to determine what your rabbit might be suffering from. Make an appointment with a veterinarian for as soon as possible. The veterinarian will diagnose your pet and prescribe at least one plan of action to make your rabbit healthy.

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      Treat your rabbit per the directions of the veterinarian. Treatment will almost always include antibiotic drugs your rabbit will ingest orally. Other possible treatments include anti-inflammatory drugs, nasal duct cleaning, ear or eye drops, fluid administration, surgery or nebulizer treatment.

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      Monitor your rabbit closely for signs of improvement or worsening. Boost your rabbit's immune system by making sure the rabbit's environment is clean, cool and stress-free. Consult your veterinarian regularly until you complete treatment for the pasteurella-related illness. Some pastuerella illnesses never completely clear up but can be controlled with treatment so the rabbit can live a long and happy life.