How to Make Rabbits Eat

Rabbits are animals of prey. In the wild a rabbit will not display illness to avoid attention. This will make it difficult for you to know when your rabbit is sick. If your rabbit stops eating or drinking, this is a sign something is wrong. A 5 lb. rabbit should consumer at least a quarter cup of pellets a day along with hay, vegetables and plenty of water. If your rabbit is not eating there are a few things you can do before calling a veterinarian.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
  • Vegetables
  • Thermometer
  • Processor
  • Eye dropper
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    • 1

      Give the rabbit a treat. This can't be an unhealthy snack but something healthy it desires. It may be possible your rabbit doesn't like its pellets or food it's getting. Fresh fruits and vegetables are great treats to give as long as they are washed thoroughly.

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      Fill the eye dropper with water. Pick the rabbit up and make him feel relaxed. Place the eye dropper opening behind your rabbits incisors and slowly empty out the water. Don't empty the water too fast to startle the rabbit. Continue this until your rabbit gets enough water. A 5 lb. rabbit should drink around 12 oz. of water everyday.

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      Grind up fresh vegetables in a food processor. Add water and continue grinding so the vegetables are pureed. Fill the eye dropper with food. and insert the eye dropper behind the rabbits incisors again. Puree as many vegetables as your rabbit would normally eat in a day. Don't force the rabbit to eat if it resists.

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      Take your rabbit's temperature. If your rabbit still wont eat or drink you need to know if it's running a fever or has hypothermia. The rabbit should be relaxed on a soft surface laying on its back. Secure the legs so the rabbit can't scratch or move, and gently put the thermometer into its rectum. Average temperature for a rabbit is between 101 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit.